
A positive story.

 It all began early 2011. Like, really early. As early as the first week of January.

We have been trying since around October, but certainly not in a hurry. We thought that God would definitely bless us when it is time. Now, my period has always been longer than normal women, and sometimes unpredictable. I keep track of it with an iPhone app since we were TTC. I realize that I haven't got my period since November, but by end of December I wasn't thinking that I was late. I thought it's normal for me to be that late.

By beginning of January, my instinct says to get a pregnancy test. Something in my heart says that if I am pregnant, I want to know that immediately so I can take care of myself better. To think of it, before I knew I was pregnant, I did a few stuffs that are a BIG no-no for pregnant ladies. I made David a nice Christmas meal, sea bass (high mercury fish!) with white wine sauce, not to mention red wine afterward. We also went skiing at Colorado in December, and I fell a couple times. We also went to a sushi restaurant sometime in December.

Anyway, on the afternoon of January 3, I took the test.

I e-mailed this picture to David when he was working in the office. Although happy, we both still couldn't believe it though. The next day, we wanted to be sure, so I tested again and again. Same positive results.

We were so overjoyed! David was all giddy and smiley. We still don't want to spread the big news before we are convinced though, so we have to keep it to ourselves for a while. Can't wait for our OB appointment at February 9! It's been especially hard for me, because at the same time, my morning sickness started to show up. I've been feeling so miserable the whole time (and can't tell a single soul!), but that morning sickness is definitely worth another stand-alone blog post.

All in all, knowing that God trusted me to be growing this little human inside my belly is such a privilege in itself. My heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness and it got me a little teary eyed every time I think of it that way :)

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