
baby gunners to-be.

Arsenal Youth/Reserves team is right here in Dallas to compete at the Dallas Cup against all other teams from around the world, such as Barcelona and Japan U-18 National team.

David has always been an Arsenal fan all his life. Obviously he is going to single-handedly dominate our family soccer team preference and he started that yesterday by bringing us to our very first live Arsenal (Youth) game against Club Bollivar. Arsenal won 3-1. We certainly hope that in the future baby won't be a fan of other rival team such as MU or Chelsea :)

TOP: Connor Henderson, Emmanuel Frimpong. BOTTOM: Roarie Deacon, Josh Rees


the belly bump.

A lot of you have been asking for the belly shot, so here we go. I probably should have posted these earlier since I've been taking the pictures throughout the stages. I just haven't had the time to compile them. I've been wearing the same outfit for the photos with the same pose as well so it's easy to compare it week by week :) I only post pictures starting week 15 since I barely have any belly bump on my first trimester!

Right now is week 22, and nausea + vomiting have been subsided a lot. I love that! I still feel a bit queasy during the night, but it's not that bad. I have more energy lately and probably should start exercising again. Exercise was almost impossible for me during the first trimester.

Also, baby has been moving and kicking a lot lately, probably since week 20. I love feeling the flutters! It's such a strange, wonderful sensation. Poor David hasn't been able to feel it from the outside because the kicking/movement hasn't been that strong.

Week 15

Week 17

Week 20

Week 22


it's definitely a...

Can you read the teeny tiny text that our sonographer put in the sonogram pic?